Karmjot Randhawa
Fresno/Madera/Kings/Tulare Counties
Email: kgrandhawa@ucanr.edu
Phone: 559-241-7514
UCCE Kings County
680 Campus Drive
Suite A
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone: (559) 852-2730
Email Us
Kings County Organizational Chart
How to Find Us - Map 1
Hello Kings County 4-H’ers! The Youth Talk is your guide to what is happening in the Kings County 4-H program. It is a place to find information about events, learn about opportunities, and share photos and reports about what is happening in your club and projects. The Youth Talk monthly newsletter will be sent via email to all enrolled families, can be found here on the Kings County 4-H website, and printed copies can be picked up from the Kings UCCE Office. This page will stay updated with current events. See the past issues section at the bottom of the page to download pdf versions.
Enrollment Info
A huge thank you to the Kings County 4-H Sponsoring Committee who has elected to pay for the enrollment fees of our youth members and adult volunteers this year.
Leaders Council
What is it?
The Kings County 4-H Leaders Council is made up of 4-H volunteers and senior 4-H members. The council oversees the county program by planning events, creating committees, and voting on important program business. Council meetings are open to all 4-H volunteers, parents, and 4-H members.
When does it meet?
First Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Kings UCCE Multi-Purpose Room
680 N. Campus Drive Suite F
Hanford, CA 93230
Upcoming Meetings: September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th
In-person & Virtual!
If you can’t make it in-person, join the meeting virtually on Microsoft Teams! Link: Join Council Meeting Now
Meeting ID: 256 037 947 845
Passcode: YEnUpt
We want you!
In order to make our program the best it can be, we need more participation and input from our volunteers, parents, and 4-H members! We are asking for one youth member per club to attend each meeting & give a club report. The meetings are also open to youth members who would like to give a presentation. Youth who give a report or
presentation at a council meeting will receive a raffle ticket. One winner per council meeting will be chosen. Winner will get to choose from a variety of prizes.
Achievement Night/Leaders Recognition Dinner
Calling all adult 4-H Volunteers, County Record Book Medalists, Outstanding Project Award winners, Officer Book Medalists, and Project Medal Award winners. Mark your calendars for an evening of celebrating you! Complimentary dinner will be served. Menu, time, and additional details coming soon. Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the FUN!
Fun Fact!
Did you know 4-H is the largest youth development organization in the United States? Nearly 6 million youth are enrolled in the program!
Workshop Series for Volunteer Leaders
Learn about your role, responsibilities, lesson planning, making learning
engaging, working with youth of all ages, and effective hands-on learning. The complete series is 8 hours (4 sessions at 2 hours each offered virtually– via ZOOM). Complete the series to earn a 4-H name badge. Fall courses begin in September on Wednesday evenings:
- Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6:30pm-8:30pm Session 1
Best practices in youth development: Focusing on youth sparks,
sense of belonging, and positive relationships with adults. (The 4-H
Thriving Model of Positive Youth Development) - Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 6:30pm-8:30pm Session 2
Learning in 4-H: Facilitating hands-on experiential education and
planning your project. - Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:30pm-8:30pm Session 3
Working With All Ages (from 5 to 18) and Abilities (The Ages and
Stages of Youth Development) - Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Session 4
Creating effective youth-adult partnerships & Working with youth
leaders (Junior and Teen Leaders) - Registration here
National 4-H Week October 6-12
This year's theme is "Beyond Ready"
4-H Week Events
- October 4th Window Displays Due: Each club is encouraged to compete in the Window Display Contest that takes place each year
during National 4-H Week. Find a business in Kings County that will allow you to set up a window display to bring awareness to the 4-H program. Window displays need to be set up by October 4th and stay up until October 12th. Submit photos of the display to the Kings UCCE Office, the County Ambassador team will select the winning club who will receive a $75 reward. - October 2nd-13th Tractor Supply Paper Clover Fundraiser: Customers at the Hanford Tractor Supply store can purchase a paper clover at checkout. Funds raised by Tractor Supply will be used to send Kings County 4-H’ers to leadership conferences.
This would be a great opportunity for a club to set up a booth outside of the store to spread the word about the fundraiser and 4-H! - October 10th Thursday Night Market: Kings County 4-H will have a booth set up at the Thursday Night Farmer’s Market in downtown
Hanford. We would love to have members bring displays of their projects and to help recruit new families. Contact your Club Leader or the Kings UCCE Office if you would like to participate.

- 2023 Winning Display at the Working Man's Store by Kings Harvest 4-H