Adult Nutrition Education Program
Helping adults make healthy food & PA choices!
UC CalFresh assists limited-resource clients gain the knowledge skills, attitudes and changed behavior necessary to chose nutritionally sound diets and improve well-being.
The adult program is delivered by UCCE staff and community based organizations. Additionally, UCCE staff delivers youth and family-centered curricula. Staff and volunteers use one of several UC CalFresh approved curricula. We provide our curricula and support at no cost when you partner with us!
Our services are offered at no cost to organizations or programs that enrolls CalFresh recipients, applicants, and eligibles on a voluntary basis.
What we offer:
- Direct delivery of Nutrition Education curriculum
- In-class presentations with food tastings
- Bilingual teaching materials (per request)
- Family newsletters and nutrition classes
Contact our office to discuss how we can work with you!
Success Stories/ Historias de Exito
"This class helped me learn better about healthy foods. I learned a lot more about MyPlate. I also learned how to buy and prepare healthier meals of great quality. I enjoyed the class because the teacher encouraged us to share our ideas and comments on what we cooked with the class." -Plan, Shop, Save, and Cook- Participant. Kings County
“Esta clase me ayudo aprender de comidas saludables. Aprendi sobre MiPlato. Tambien e aprendido como comprar y preparar comidas mas saludables y de buena calidad. Disfrute de la clase, por que la maestra nos animo a compartir nuestras ideas y comentar en como cocinamos con la clase.”-Participante de Planee, Compre, Ahore, y Cocine. El Condado de Kings
"I include my son on meal planning. We use the MyPlate chart to help plan our meals."-Plan, Shop, Save, and Cook- Participant. Kings County
“ Yoincluyo a mihijocuandoplaneonuestascomidas.UsamosMiPlato ynosayuda con la planificación.”-Participante de Planee, Compre, Ahorre, y Cocine. El Condado de Kings”
Contact Information
UCCE Cal Fresh Nutrition Education Program
680 N. Campus Drive, Suite A
Hanford CA 93230
(559) 852-2734
(559) 582-5166 FAX
Behavioral Change:
- 89% of participants will improve their consumption of vegetables
- 82% of participants will improve their consumption of fruits
- 76% of participants will improve their portion sizes as each meal
EatFresh is an online resource for CalFresh (SNAP, or food stamps) eligible individuals and families, though this website is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their health. Our goals for this website are:
- To encourage cooking at home with fresh foods and minimally processed non-perishables
- To show users that healthy change happens even though barriers exist
- To better understand the link between lifestyle/diet choices with the prevention of chronic diseases