Karmjot Randhawa
Fresno/Madera/Kings/Tulare Counties
Email: kgrandhawa@ucanr.edu
Phone: 559-241-7514
UCCE Kings County
680 Campus Drive
Suite A
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone: (559) 852-2730
Fax: (559) 582-5166
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Upcoming Events
2024 Kearney Field Crops, Alfalfa and Forage Field Day
Friday, September 13th, 2024
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
9240 South Riverbend Avenue; Parlier, CA 93648
No cost to attend! All are welcome.
To view the agenda, click or follow this link: https://ucanr.edu/sites/kingscounty/files/401843.pdf
To register, click or follow this link: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=43346
What: Research plot tours and discussions with researchers about recent observations and up-to-date knowledge about production issues in field and forage crops
Who: Growers, pest control advisers, crop consultants, allied ag professionals, researchers, and anybody interested in San Joaquin Valley agricultural production are welcome to attend.
Continuing education:
3.5 hours of Certified Crop Adviser (1.0 Soil & Water Management, 1.5 Integrated Pest Management & 1.0 Crop Management) have been applied for.
1.0 hours of CA Dept. of Food and Agriculture Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Training Program have been applied for.
1.75 CA Dept. of Pesticide Regulation "Other" hours for PCAs, QAC/Ls, and PACs have been applied for.
Thank you to our sponsors:
BASF, CA Dairy Research Foundation, FMC Corporation, and Irrometer generously sponsored this field day, and we're grateful for the support.
Cool Season Cropping Systems in the San Joaquin Valley
No cost to attend! All are welcome.
Where: UC West Side Research and Extension Center, 17353 W Oakland Ave, Five Points, CA 93624
When: Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 9:45 AM until 12:15 PM
What: Research plot tours and discussions with researchers about recent observations and up-to-date knowledge about production issues in winter field crops
Who: Growers, pest control advisers, crop consultants, allied ag professionals, researchers, and anybody interested in San Joaquin Valley agricultural production are welcome to attend.
Continuing education:
2.0 hours of Certified Crop Adviser (0.5 Soil & Water Management, 0.5 Integrated Pest Management & 1.0 Crop Management) have been approved.
1.5 hours of CA Dept. of Food and Agriculture Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Training Program (0.5 Nitrogen Management & 1.0 Irrigation Management) have been approved.
CA Dept. of Pesticide Regulation hours for PCAs, QAC/Ls, and PACs have been applied for.
Tentative Agenda (subject to minor change):
9:45 Sign-in
10:00 Introduction of new UC Cooperative Extension Academics
10:10 Mark Lundy: Deficit irrigation and water productivity in small grains: Do planting date and crop choice matter?
10:25 Caitlin Peterson: Measuring and comparing winter water use resulting from deficit irrigated small grain and fallow fields
10:40 Josh Hegarty: Selecting small grain varieties with reduced environmental impacts in the SJV
10:55 Josh Hegarty: Small Grain Plot Tours
11:15 Jorge Angeles and Nick Clark: Weed Control Options for ALS-resistant Chickweed in Wheat
11:30 Giuliano Galdi: Roundup Ready Alfalfa Injury: could it happen in the SJV
11:45 Nick Clark: Garbanzo bean variety trial and plot observations
12:00 Nick Clark & Christine Diepenbrock: Garbanzo Plot Tours and Survey
12:15 Lunch
2024 UC ANR Nutrient Management Workshop Series
2023 Kearney Field Crops, Alfalfa and Forage Field Day
Friday, September 29, 2023, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
9240 South Riverbend Avenue, Parlier, CA 93648
Click this link to view the agenda
Click this link for access to download presentations and handouts.
For more information, contact: Nicholas Clark, (559) 852-2788, neclark@ucanr.edu.
Herbicide Resistance and Common Chickweed Field Day
Friday, April 21, 2023
Fresno State Ornamental Horticulture Unit
3150 E Barstow Ave, Fresno, CA 93710
See the agenda by clicking here or following this link: https://ucanr.edu/sites/kingscounty/files/383052.pdf.
For more information, contact: Nicholas Clark, (559) 852-2788, neclark@ucanr.edu.
49th Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium & Forage Irrigation Workshop
Organized by Cooperative Extension of AZ, CA, CO, ID, MN, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, & WY, and grower and industry liaison members
Hosted by California Alfalfa & Forage Association
Where: Grand Sierra Resort | Reno, NV
When: November 19-21, 2019
Click here to view the agenda, register, and make lodging/travel arrangements.
2019 Alfalfa and Forage Field Day
Thursday, September 19, 2019
7:00 am - 12:30 pm
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Ctr. | Nectarine Room
9240 S. Riverbend Ave. Parlier, CA 93648
Registration: $0.00
RSVP Required! Click here to RSVP now.
Lunch Served
0.5 "Laws" and 1.0 "Other" CA DPR CEU hours approved
0.5 "Nutrient Mgmt.," 1.0 "Soil & Water Mgmt.," 1.0 "IPM," 0.5 "Crop Mgmt.," and 0.5 "Manure Mgmt." CCA CEU hours approved.
Feeding Beets on California Dairy Farms
Thursday, September 19, 2019
(Immediately following Alfalfa and Forage Day lunch)
1:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Ctr.
9240 S. Riverbend Ave. Parlier, CA 93648
2018 CA Alfalfa & Forage Symposium & Soil Health and Fertility Workshop
November 27-29, 2018
Reno, NV
Click here to view the program agenda and access presentation downloads.
2018 Kearney Alfalfa & Forage Field Day
September 19, 2018
Parlier, CA
Click here for a copy of the agenda.
Click here to download the presentations and handouts currently available.
This event was sponsored by BASF, Bayer, Gar Tootelian, Innovative Ag Services, Netafim, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Simplot, & Verdegaal Brothers.
2018 Golden State Dairy Management Conference
March 29-30, 2018
Stockton, CA
Click here to view the conference web page for more information on the program.
2017 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium & Alfalfa Hay Quality Workshop
November 28-30, 2017
Reno, NV
Click here to view the program agenda and access presentation downloads.
2017 Kearney Alfalfa & Forage Field Day
September 20, 2017
Parlier, CA
Click here for a copy of the agenda.
Click here to download the presentations and handouts currently available. More to come at a later date (updated 10/24/17).
This event was sponsored by Netafim, Verdegaal Brothers, BASF with lunch sponsored by Bayer CropScience.
Exeter CCA Nutrient Management Seminar
March 29, 2017
Exeter, CA
Click here for a copy of the agenda.
4.5 CCA CE hours were available at this meeting. Several seasoned speakers from industry and research delivered high quality presentations on a range of topics. CAPCA and CCA did an excellent job hosting and sponsoring this event.
Sorghum Silage for California Dairies
March 7 & 9, 2017
Madera & Tulare, CA, respectively
Click here for a copy of the agenda.
These short but critical meetings helped deliver research updates on water and nutrient needs of sorghum grain and silage, sugarcane aphid in silage sorghum control, common San Joaquin Valley sorghum silage growing practices, and the associated cow feed nutrition value of those practices.
To download the presentations delivered at these meetings, click here.
Update on Sugarcane Aphid and its Potential Impact on Sorghum
February 28, 2017
Parlier, CA
Click here for a copy of the agenda.
Great insight and results from research from the US South and southern plains regions was shared by extension advisors and sorghum industry professionals regarding the new sugarcane aphid epidemic. Excellent discussion followed research presentations regarding how to best apply research in sorghum grain production systems to the typical dairy sorghum forage production systems in CA. We also discussed needs for research specific to the sugarcane epidemic in our sorghum cropping system in CA.
San Joaquin Valley Nitrogen Management: How Agriculture is Meeting the Challenges
February 24, 2017
Hanford, CA
Co-sponsored by University of California Cooperative Extension, Kings County & the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
Click here to download all of the slide show presentations given at this event.
Overall, this meeting was well attended, we received helpful, critical feedback from attendees, and there was open dialog about the state of agricultural nitrogen management research in California.
Currently, we are working on summarizing the key points of the panel discussion held at this event to be posted here. Thanks for your patience.
2016 California Alfalfa and Forage Symposium
November 29 - December 1, 2016
Reno, NV
Click here to find a list of presentations and download slides and view video from this year's symposium.
This year's symposium featured a one-day pest management workshop at the beginning of the conference. Sections were capped by questions and discussion directed at panels of speakers rather than individual speakers answering questions at the end of their talk. Growers and allied industry professionals were attracted from all over the country.
Be sure to visit next year.
2016 Alfalfa and Forage Field Day - Kearney Ag Research and Extension Center
September 14, 2016
Parlier, CA
For those that would like to revisit or were not able to attend this year's Alfalfa and Forage Field Day, you may now click here to find:
- A field day summary
- The event agenda
- Links to relevant websites
- Downloadable presentations from all of the indoor speakers.
Sugarcane Aphid Tailgate Meeting
September 7, 2016
Pixley, CA
Click here for the meeting announcement
About 30 people - growers, PCA's, CCA's, crop protection company representatives, and UC extension advisors and staff - met on a corner in Pixley, CA to discuss a new insect pest in California agriculture, the sugarcane aphid - Melanaphis sacchari.
Discussions were largely about the introduction of the pest to sorghum and sudangrass crops, control options, and discovering what we don't yet know about the pest. One point of uncertainty about the economic damage sugarcane aphid can cause CA comes from the fact that most of our sorghum is grown for silage, so the value of the crop itself is evaluated differently. Additionally, harvesting equipment and timing decisions are significantly different than in the largely grain producing regions of the southern US.
For the bulletin that was handed out on the day of the meeting, click here.
UCCE Kings County Ag Calendar
Event Name | Date |
November 4-H Leaders Council Meeting | 11/5/2024 |
December 4-H Leaders Council Meeting | 12/3/2024 |