Karmjot Randhawa
Fresno/Madera/Kings/Tulare Counties
Email: kgrandhawa@ucanr.edu
Phone: 559-241-7514
UCCE Kings County
680 Campus Drive
Suite A
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone: (559) 852-2730
Email Us
Kings County Organizational Chart
How to Find Us - Map 1
Grapes Tree Fruits Nut Crops
After 34 plus years of service to the University of California and Southern San Joaquin Valley grape, tree fruit and nut growers, Bob officially retired from Cooperative Extension June 30, 2013. During his tenure, Bob conducted research on disease and pest management, irrigation, weed control, and cultural practices. His specialty was walnuts and pistachios. Bob is still active in agriculture privately, and we wish him well in his new endeavors. We also congratulate him on his recent acceptance as a UC Emeritus.
Table Grape Advisor Seminars
Invitation to Attend Candidate Seminars
University of California Cooperative Extension is recruiting for the position of Table Grape Advisor serving Tulare & Kings Counties.
Each candidate will give a 20-minute presentation with 10 minutes for questions and answers via Zoom. The public is invited to attend any or all of these presentations. The search committee welcomes your evaluation of the presentations.
Jaclyn Fiola
Monday, March 14
9:30 am
Joy Hollingsworth
Monday, March 14
1:00 pm
Simin Sabaghian
Tuesday, March 15
9:30 am
For more information call Brian Marsh at 661-868-6210.
Crop Information Click here for individual commodities.
Management Click here for information on specific topics related to establishment and production of tree and vine crops.
Plant Nutrition Click here for articles pertaining to soil and foliar fertilization of trees and vines.
Educational Videos Click here to watch informal videos made by Bob Beede and Tony Garcia on various crop topics.
Other Links Click here for UC cost studies, loss calculator, UC publication catalogue, and other valuable sites.